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November 27, 2016

Cyber Sale on TpT and Win a Gift Card!

Have you heard the big news? It's the Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Sale starting tomorrow!

Who doesn't love shopping from home?! I've been eyeing a few new things like clip art sets and some other bundles from some favorite sellers so I'm fixing up my wishlist and cart. Visit my little store and stock up on some goodies with big savings!

I would love to help you empty that shopping cart with a giveaway!

I'm joining 26 fabulous bloggers for a huge TpT Gift Card Giveaway and Blog Hop. For a chance to win a $10 TpT Gift Card from me be sure to complete the Rafflecopter below! Then hop over to the next blogger and enter again, that's over $200 worth of TpT mula!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Click on the mittens below to visit Reading with Miss B. for ANOTHER chance to win ANOTHER gift card. Follow each button and when you reach me, you've completed the loop. Best of luck and fill up those shopping carts!

November 25, 2016

Five for Friday Thanksgiving Style

Hi Friends!

I'm back after a short break from my blog. I'm joining Doodle Bugs Teaching's weekly Five for Friday linky party!

This was the first time ever in our school district's history to have an entire week off for Thanksgiving break. I am loving it! No traveling for me this time. Instead it's a much needed time to catch up on sleep, house stuff, and of course binge watching my favorite Thanksgiving Friends episodes!

Not all I've done has been laying on the couch munching on leftovers and snacks. I love anytime that I have time off to head to my favorite gym for a morning workout. This week I was able to get in four morning workouts! I'm a data nerd so keeping track of goals and seeing the bar filled up is an added bonus!

This year I changed it up from our usual disguise a turkey project and sent out feathers instead. It was so nice to see how proud my little learners were of their creative feathers that they worked on with their families. It spruced up our hallway bulletin board.

Lately I've been doing some LuLaRoe shopping online. I love getting happy mail, especially when all I had to do was hang out on pjs to shop. Today I received a new black Irma. Check out the cute packaging.

A while back I used some of my Scholastic points to buy this cute book I saw, Mother Bruce by Ryan T. Higgins. Oh.my.goodness. It is adorable. It's a MUST read/MUST add to your library collection.
I love children's books but even this one is a fun one for adults. The illustrations are beautiful too! I whipped up a couple of printables to use with my class along with a craftivity. Check it out HERE or by clicking the picture below.

 Mother Bruce Read Aloud Printables Activities

Thanks for reading up about my week. Countdown to Christmas/Winter Break is on!